An agreement between Paraguay’s Superior National Electoral Tribunal, USAID/Paraguay and Fundación Saraki earlier this month is a big step forward for the inclusion of people with disabilities in Paraguay’s electoral processes. In particular, the agreement aims to ensure the participation of persons with disabilities in the upcoming municipal elections, which are scheduled for November 2015.
Fundación Saraki will provide technical assistance to the electoral tribunal based a recently-launched manual – written by NDI and the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES) with support from USAID – titled Equal Access: How to Include Persons with Disabilities in Elections and Political Processes. The manual outlines the challenges faced by persons with disabilities in political participation and how these barriers can be overcome.
People with disabilities, often the poorest of the poor, are frequently marginalized from political decision making. NDI programs work to empower people with disabilities to engage politically and become full members of society. Read more about NDI’s work for people with disabilities here.