To aid the development of political parties, the cornerstone of representative democracy, NDI has published a new document summarizing the common practices of a range of established and broadly democratic parties.
Association of Central and Eastern European Election Officials (ACEEEO)
Canadian Association of Former Parliamentarians (CAFP)
The Carter Center
Center for Electoral Promotion and Assistance (CAPEL)
Committee for Open Democracy
Committee of the Regions of the European Union
Commonwealth Parliamentary Association UK Branch (CPA UK)
Commonwealth Secretariat
The Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe
Council of Europe European Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission)
Council of the European Union
Democracy International (DI)
Democracy Reporting International (DRI)
Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)
Electoral Institute for Sustainable Democracy in Africa (EISA)
European Commission
European Network of Election Monitoring Organizations (ENEMO)
European Parliament
European Parliament Former Members Association (FMA)
Folke Bernadotte Academy (FBA)
Gender Concerns International
Global Democracy Initiative (GDI)
Inter-American Union of Electoral Organizations (UNIORE)
International Center of Analytical Monitoring of Political and Election Processes (ICAM)
International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES)
International IDEA
International Organization of the Francophonie (OIF)
Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU)
International Republican Institute (IRI)
League of Arab States
National Democratic Institute (NDI)
Norwegian Resource Bank for Democracy and Human Rights (NORDEM)
Organization of American States (OAS)
Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, Office of Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (OSCE/ODIHR)
Pacific Islands, Australia & New Zealand Electoral Administrators’ Association (PIANZEA)
Pacific Islands Forum
Pan-African Parliament
Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE)
Southern African Development Community Parliamentary Forum (SADC-PF)
Sustainable Development Group International (SDGI)
United Nations Secretariat
United States Association of Former Members of Congress (USAFMC)
Westminster Foundation for Democracy
This list is for public information purposes and is not part of the Declaration of Principles. The Declaration and the accompanying Code of Conduct remain open for endorsement by other intergovernmental and international nongovernmental organizations. Notice of endorsements may be sent to the United Nations Electoral Assistance Division.