Julian Quibell

Ecuador Resident Senior Director

Julian Quibell is NDI’s director in Ecuador. He previously served as NDI’s Resident Director in Mexico (2004-2012) and Nicaragua (2012-2020). The programs he has managed have worked to support domestic election observation, youth leadership, electoral reform, civic education and civil society advocacy. In addition, Quibell has designed and implemented programs to strengthen the organizational capacity of political parties and increase the political participation of historically marginalized populations, including Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender and Intersex (LGBTI), persons with disabilities, women, and youth.

He co-edited NDI’s Best Practices for Effective Political Parties, a diagnostic tool and series of training manuals to help political parties assess their current structures and practices for renovation and reform. He has participated in election observation missions, including a 2005 NDI/Carter Center municipal election monitoring program in the West Bank. He previously served as a program officer with the Washington, D.C.-based Latin America and Caribbean team of the Institute, managing the regional Political Party Network and NDI projects in Bolivia. Before joining the Institute in 2002, Quibell served as executive director of the Political Database of the Americas and as an intern with the Africa and Near East team at the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES), and served as an urban youth development volunteer with the Peace Corps in Ecuador.

Mr. Quibell earned a master's degree in government at Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service and a B.A. in anthropology from Pomona College. In addition to his native English, Mr. Quibell speaks fluent Spanish.

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