Robert Scott Heaslet

Senior Resident Director for North Macedonia

Robert Scott Heaslet is the Senior Resident Director for the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI) in North Macedonia where he manages democracy development programs with the executive, parliament, political parties, civil society, and the media.  In addition to his efforts for the Institute in North Macedonia, Robert Scott has designed and conducted training sessions for NDI partners in Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Georgia, Kosovo, Montenegro and Slovakia, and for the International Republican Institute.  


Beginning in May 2019, Robert Scott leads a decade long effort to support the National Assembly in North Macedonia in becoming a more reliable, trusted, and independent institution, safeguarding citizen interests through inclusive debate and decision-making. To further strengthen the work of transitioning democratic legislatures, Robert Scott initiated, designed, and managed the implementation of the project to build the Assembly's Parliamentary Institute, a professionally-resourced parliamentary research and information service staffed by 25 civil servants. He also produced four manuals that highlight the development of representative legislatures that are responsive to the electorate and guides and training modules for political parties.  


Robert Scott has served as an external advisor to the former Deputy Prime Minister for European Affairs Dr. Fatmir Besimi to develop strategic planning and policy; to strengthen organizational aspects of the Secretariat for European Affairs; and, to construct the Deputy Prime Minister’s agenda, emphasizing greater coordination with government ministries, strengthening the diplomatic network, and outreach to civil society and media. He has also produced a weekly televised political talk show, ОТВОРЕНО (Open) for four seasons; managed the implementation of seven public awareness campaigns to promote fair elections (2006, 2008, 2011, 2013, 2016, 2017, and 2018); and, organized televised candidate debates for municipal, parliamentary and presidential candidates (2013, 2014, 2016, 2017, and 2018).


Before joining NDI in 2005, Robert Scott worked for U.S. Representative Chris Bell (D-TX), serving as a senior policy advisor on legislative and political issues, assisting with the ethics complaint against former U.S. House Majority Leader Tom Delay. As a political organizer, he has managed two competitive U.S. congressional campaigns, and executed voter contact and GOTV plans in municipal, congressional, gubernatorial (U.S. Senator Mark Warner), and presidential campaigns (former Vice-President Al Gore and former U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry). Robert Scott earned a Master of Science in Political Science from Suffolk University and completed his BA at Southwestern University.

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